Friday, September 11, 2009

The art of creating beauty in my life has always been found through the inspiration of my surroundings. A glimpse of a fluttering hummingbird would cause me to stop whatever I'm doing and just stare and wonder about such a beautifully made creature. Many times during my treks on the trails of Maroon Bells, Colorado, I would find myself taking pictures of red and yellow wildflowers perched between the rocks or just gather beautifully colored rocks in my pocket. Upon my return, I would set them on my desk at home match paint colors, hoping I can find a project to use it in! Whether created by God or man, I find inspiration in the beautiful things that surround me. My hope is this blog might inspire others to embellish their own sanctuary with the things they love.

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For the last 20 years I've helped women improve their lives by creating inviting interiors for their family, children and friends. The key is finding their inspiration and translating it into furnishings, textures, colors and finishes. My own personal influences of Italian and French styles combined with today's contemporary fabrics and upholstery have defined much of my work.